Alex's World Title
¡Warning=Staring in to image makes it apear in 3-d!


2/5/00-Thought I'd let you in on what's happing now. New backgrounds and stuff like that will be ready for your uses. Any one like nintendo? I will add some links to my n64 site. That page will have my own dex drive saves and tested saves from other people. I would all so like to get a message board and a chat room but I'll save that for later. Ok it's 11:13 a.m. Back to work.

2/3/00-This site is about what ever the heck I want it to be about! And when I say any thing I mean ANYTHING! As of 9:36 P.M. It is under construction. I'm doing it all in html and I'm plan on using only self-made grafixs. That means background, image. etc.

I guess I should tell you I'm 15 male brown hair and eyes. I live in Indainapolis, Indaina (USA). If you are looking for The Story with no end it will be linked soon.

Hey I thought you might enjoy some pick-up lines.